The Kitchen Musician ~ February 2022

Hello friends,

I have been in a songwriting slump, so I wrote a song about it. This month I share “Edge of the Light.” Welcome to my kitchen!


  THIS MONTH’S MUSIC: “Edge of the Light”
  FEATURED NON-PROFIT: CDC Mental Health Resources

Florida man plays guitar – 2017 memory


I get back in the (virtual) saddle this Sunday, February 6th at 5 pm ET when I join my talented friend Amy Kucharik live online for her “Sunday Streams” series. We will swap songs and chat a bit in this informal songwriter’s session. I am really looking forward to this. You can view at Amy’s Youtube or Twitch channels..

Peabody Hill, Jaffrey, NH ~ Photo: Tom Smith 2021

This Month’s Music:
“Edge of the Light”

“Edge of the Light”
© 2022 Tom Smith (ASCAP)

It has been several months since I have shared a new original song. Most folks assume that with so many life challenges (COVID, climate change, racial injustice, increased tensions in Ukraine, dysfunction in Congress, the promise of another contentious election… and the list goes on), that I would have a lot of inspiration to write new songs. On the other hand, most of my artist friends tell me that they are also finding it difficult to be creative. Some of us are experiencing serious emotional stress, while others describe it as emotional exhaustion. We stay connected, moving our regular in-person songwriters’ support meetups online; and all of my professional musician friends are primarily performing to virtual audiences. Although we would never give virtual meetings up, most are tired of living our personal, professional and social lives in two dimensions.

Lately, we are beginning to see cracks in the COVID wall where light is trying to peek through. The COVID Omicron Variant appears to have peaked here in New England, and vaccination rates are inching up (though too slowly). Surprisingly, my reaction to this good news is skepticism and a bit of fear. Skepticism clearly comes from dashed hopes that the vaccines would neutralize the COVID item on the stressor list. I think the source of my fear is a little more nuanced.

To help me dig out of my creative slump, I signed up for a songwriting workshop with my friend Cosy Sheridan. Cosy is one of my favorite musical artists, whom I have come to know in friendship over the last ten years. She is also a terrific songwriting workshop leader. One of her assignments inspired me to write about feelings that have prevented me from making new music.

The central metaphor in the resulting song is “light”, and the title “Edge of the Light” is the pending arrival that I both hope for and fear. When the light exposes terrible things, it is difficult to retreat into ignorance. When the light shows the potential to make something beautiful, what if it comes out ugly?

This song is somewhat dark, so I feel I should tell you that I am emotionally okay. I tend to process things by writing; others may climb mountains, volunteer at a food pantry, or stay in bed most of the day – all valid responses. If you are experiencing serious emotional stress, please check out the CDC Mental Health Resources below.

Let’s visit a more uplifting image of “the clear morning light” by one of my favorite poets.

     New Year’s Day
     – by Ted Kooser

     Each thing in the clear morning light
     is a promise. I start the day
     by building a feeding place for birds,
     stacking up castaway crates in the snow.
     How they come! Sparrows and blue jays
     dropping like leaves from the elms,
     which though burned with disease
     still promise some sort of a spring,
     their branches lined with hard buds
     like birds perching, or the seeds of birds,
     still more birds to come.

Steady on,


(If so inclined, I invite you to leave a comment by scrolling to the end of this page.)

Featured Non-profit

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Seeking Help

For obvious reasons, we are experiencing an unprecedented amount of stress. If you or a loved one find it difficult to cope, I encourage you to ask for help. If you are in the United States, these free and confidential resources from the CDC are a good place to start. Outside the US, please find your local mental health organization.

What do you think?

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  • Tom
    February 4, 2022

    Edge of the Light
    © 2022 Tom Smith (ASCAP)

    I take comfort in the darkness
    Where I ignore what I don’t see
    And there’s no failure, no hollow promise
    Of how I know the world could be

    I’ve made my truce with the night
    Can’t bear the truth exposed by the light

       By the light

    I take credit as the author
    Of words upon that empty page
    No one can call me an imposter
    If I don’t step onto the stage

    When there’s a spark in the night
    My troubled heart runs and hides from the light

       From the light

          I tell myself that it will all work out
          As I walk through the shadow of my doubt

    I’ll be okay, plus or minus
    I get like this from time to time
    (This time) I blame it on the virus
    I’m one more person in that line

    Waiting for the end of night
    Frightened by the edge of the light

       Of the light
       Of the light

    • Nancy Nephew
      February 4, 2022

      Thank you Tom !
      I’m sending this song to my son,Luke.
      Best to you snd Margo

      • Tom
        February 4, 2022

        Hi Nancy! Love to you, Bob and the whole clan!

        • steve rollins
          February 4, 2022

          Great stuff, Tom.

          • Tom
            February 4, 2022

            Thank you, Steve.

    • Roger Fluet
      February 5, 2022

      So well written Tom. Perhaps we can all find some inspiration at the Edge of the Light.

  • Ron Carlson
    February 4, 2022

    Hits home. I can’t say I’ve been able to write much recently. I tried my hand at the pandemic theme, and was dissatisfied with the words. And the pandemic continues, despite my “soon a vaccine “ conclusion. Yes, we’ll be ok…but we all want that light and spark.
    Well crafted song, my friend.

    • Tom
      February 4, 2022

      Thank you, Ron. We’ll get through it together.

  • Deborah Goss
    February 4, 2022

    Obviously you hit it on the nose for so many of us. It’s a beautiful, spare, truthful song and it brings me to tears. Kind of good ones though, so, thank you for this latest contribution to art, friendship, …and light.

    • Tom
      February 4, 2022

      Thank you, Deb. Music helps. Keep on singing!

  • Amy Conley
    February 4, 2022

    Only you could write an amazing song about having a hard time writing a song!!
    Beautiful in words and melody! And so thought-provoking.
    I love how your newsletters, in few words, give people so much to think and be hopeful about, along with great resources (such as the CDC link and Cosy’s website).
    Peace and love to you and yours! See you on the CMN zoom front.

    • Tom
      February 5, 2022

      Thank you for your kind comments, Amy. Looking forward to continuing connection @ the Children’s Music Network. Your music is a great breath of fresh air for both kids and their care givers. Keep that ukulele motor running!

    • Lydia Adams Davis
      March 24, 2022

      I am new to your blog. I will be processing this level of online honesty for a while, Tom.

      For the first time since the war began I feel wonder at these people
      Strong people Different people Deeply loyal people . Brave and loving people

  • Celene Lyon
    February 5, 2022

    It’s a beautiful song, Tom. Thank you! and I love your closing-Steady on.
    Steady On to you! -Celene

    • Tom
      February 5, 2022

      Great to hear from you, Celene. I thought of you and Geof a couple days ago when they were listing snow accumulations on the North shore. Thanks for the kind comment. Wishing you well!

  • Jon McAuliffe
    February 6, 2022

    Lovely new song, Tom. Wonderful chords, too. Well done, sir, as always.



    • Tom
      February 20, 2022

      Hi Jon. Thank you for your kind words. And with respect to our absence from each other, like the old song says “been gone too long.”