The Kitchen Musician ~ April 2024
Hello Friends,
It is spring, so my mind is thinking about the Burpee Seed Catalog, or maybe it is more than that. Join me in the kitchen for my new song, “Plant the Seed.”
THIS MONTH’S MUSIC: “Plant the Seed”
Since my last post, I enjoyed a 6-week songwriting workshop with talented songwriter Scarlet Keys, and shared songs with some wonderful audiences at the Somerville Armory (MA), Union Brew House (Weymouth, MA), the Academy Coffeehouse (Francestown, NH) and several open mics. Coming up this month are some small shows at One Broadway Collective in Lawrence, Ma (Friday, April 5), Stokes Theater in Wayland, MA (Saturday, April 6), and a live interview and performance with host Kate McNally on her wonderful Folk Show NH Public Radio (April 14). More shows are trickling in farther down the road.
All show details can be found at upcoming shows.
This Month’s Music: “Plant the Seed”
We are all subject to biorhythms – circadian rhythms like the wake-sleep cycle. There are also cycles that repeat over longer stretches of time – months, years or lifetimes. Even as a retired teacher, I still have trouble sleeping when it is time to start the school year. Now as the seasons are turning into spring, I start planning my garden in my head; although I haven’t planted a garden since our children grew up and moved out of the house. I look for that Burpee Seed Catalog when I check for the mail each morning.
Each spring as I anticipated planting my garden, I thought about all of the work it takes to grow vegetables. I won’t bore you with the math, but when I estimated the time it would take to dig up my yard, plant and care for the vegetables and then pay myself minimum wage, it was always more expensive to grow my own than to buy vegetables at the supermarket. I wouldn’t even get the benefit of my labor for months! Still, in the end, I’d plant the garden.
That was the inspiration for my song this month, against the backdrop of “bigger” things that keep me awake at night.
Plant the seed, my friends.
(If so inclined, I invite you to leave a comment by scrolling to the end of this page.)
Featured Non-profit: Ample Harvest
“ is a nationwide nonprofit that is eliminating the waste of 11 billion pounds of fresh garden produce per year. Through, gardeners connect with their local food pantry and donate their surplus harvests.”
“[We] help America’s 62 million home gardeners learn about the opportunity to share their excess garden bounty with their neighbors in need [and work] to educate, encourage and enable food pantries nationwide to receive excess produce from local growers.”
Join me in supporting Ample Harvest by donating your excess garden food, registering your food pantry, or donating financially.
April 1, 2024Plant the Seed
© 2024 Tom Smith (ASCAP)
My garden
Labor without end
Most of my time spent
With insects and weeds
But When I count the cost
Against what would be lost
I plant the seed
I plant the seed
I plant the seed
My children
Worries without end
I give all my sails’ wind
To help them succeed
But when I count the cost
Against what would be lost
I plant the seed
I plant the seed
I plant the seed
Can’t be given with closed fist
It’s on a long list
That’s not guaranteed
When I feel burned out
Overcome by doubt
I plant the seed
I plant the seed
I plant the seed
Plant the seed
Plant the seed
Plant the seed
April 1, 2024Tom,
A lovely song for this season. Have you tried planting some favorite herbs in containers ?
If you have enough sun, the herbs should do well. I love cilantro which you would harvest and need to plant another batch, scallions are super easy to grow & when cut about an inch from the bottom, the herb will grow some more.
Good luck,
April 1, 2024Good suggestions, Sally. Until last year we had a barrel of chives, but over time, the barrel disintegrated before the chives gave up. Might try a couple tomatoes in pots this year. Nothing like a home grown tomato.
Carl N Beverly
April 1, 2024Once again my friend you capture my heart, and inspire me. What a wonderful song.
April 3, 2024Thank you for listening, Carl. Your kind comment means a lot from an admired songwriter and friend.
Jon McAuliffe
April 1, 2024Oh boy, Tom. You are such a great songwriter and this, for me, is one of your best. Just totally over the top wonderful. Thanks for writing it.
April 3, 2024Thank you Jon. Praise from a great songwriter – just what the doctor ordered. 🙂
Leslie Lee
April 2, 2024Gorgeous song. Thank you, Tom!
April 3, 2024Thank you for this, Leslie. Looking forward to seeing you soon on your Boston area tour.